Orders and Disciplinary Actions

​​​This website provides public access to records of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Reports of Decision.
These records are open to public view under Wisconsin's Open Records law, sections 19.31-19.39 Wisconsin Statutes.

Please Read This Agreement Prior to Viewing Reports of Decisions

  • The Reports of Decisions is designed to contain copies of all orders issued by credentialing authorities within the Department of Safety and Professional Services from November, 1998 to the present. In addition, many but not all orders for the time period between 1977 and November, 1998 are posted. Not all orders issued by a credentialing authority constitute a formal disciplinary action.
  • Reports of Decisions contains information as it exists at a specific point in time in the Department of Safety and Professional Services database. Because this database changes constantly, the Department is not responsible for subsequent entries that update, correct, or delete data. The Department is not responsible for notifying prior requesters of updates, modifications, corrections, or deletions. All users have the responsibility to determine whether information obtained from this site is still accurate, current, and complete.
  • There may be discrepancies between the online copies and the original document. Original documents should be consulted as the definitive representation of the order's content. Copies of original orders may be obtained by mailing requests to the Department of Safety and Professional Services, PO Box 8935, Madison, WI 53708-8935. The Department charges a copying fee. All requests must cite the legal services (LS) case number, the date of the order, and respondent's name as it appears on the order.
  • Reported decisions may have an appeal pending, and discipline may be stayed during the appeal. Information about the current status of a credential issued by the Department of Safety and Professional Services is shown on the Department's License Look-Up site. The status of an appeal may be found on court access websites at: https://wcca.wicourts.gov/index.xsl and https://wscca.wicourts.gov/index.xsl.
  • Records not open to public inspection by statute are not contained on this website.

Please indicate that you have read the above and agree to the use of the Reports of Decisions subject to the above terms, and that you understand the limitations of this online database.
